Oil on Ice - Grassroots Action Toolkit

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General Tools


Raise hell at public hearings and community meetings
(courtesy of the Sierra Club)

Public hearings provide an opportunity for public comments on a particular project or vote. This kind of community involvement can make a strong statement.

Some tips:

  • Time is limited at public hearings, so arrive early to sign up for a slot to speak.
  • When you speak, focus on your main points. You will often be able to submit written statements which will allow you to address additional concerns.
  • Be polite and respect other community members' ideas. A hearing is a forum for the exchange of ideas, not a neighborhood contest.

“This is the greatest wildlife spectacle we have in North America, here in the Arctic Refuge.”

-Bill Weber

Content for this section provided by:

  • Sierra Club
  • Energy Wildlife Wild Lands Community Oil on Ice Home Grassroots Action Toolkit