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Oil On Ice Documents Democratic Presidential Candidate Dick Gephardt's Call for New Energy Policy

Oil on Ice crews covered the announcement of an "Apollo Program" to energy independence by Missouri Senator and Democratic candidate Dick Gephardt. The announcement, which drew parallels to the ambitious program to reach the moon in ten years, lays out a ten-point national plan to achieve the benefits of energy independence in ten years.

Under the backdrop of the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Association, Oil on Ice crew was there to document the alternatives to the current oil-dependent energy policy. Under the new program, dubbed "Apollo 21," 10% of US automobiles would be powered by alternative energies within 10 years, and 20% would be powered in 20 years.

"By covering events such as these, we want to bring to light that there are attainable alternatives to the current oil-dependent policy, and that everyone of us can vote for those alternatives. When people become aware of the mind-boggling affects of our dependence on oil, we want them to know there's another direction we can go," said Dale Djerassi, producer for Oil on Ice.

The complete text of Gephardt's speech can be found at his campaign's web site.

About Oil on Ice
OIL ON ICE (www.oilonice.org) is a multi-faceted media project about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and the conflict over drilling for oil there. The one-hour documentary film, WebDVD and Website examine the battle over one of America’s last great wild places, which is currently at the center of a national energy debate. OIL ON ICE shows how the fate of the refuge is inextricably linked to decisions our nation makes about energy policy, transportation choices, and other seemingly unrelated matters. And as the film concludes, the culture and livelihood of the native Gwich’in Indians and the survival of migratory wildlife are caught in the balance.


Oil on Ice Contact:

Heather Raney
Oil on Ice
(415) 593-0192
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"Moving, lucid and aptly told, Oil on Ice
is quite simply the best documentary
to date on the [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] issue."

-Art Goodtimes The Telluride Watch



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